
Building Jars


IntelliJ and Java make it pretty easy to build a Java project into a .jar file. Once I did this with my HTTP Server program, all I needed to do was import it into my Clojure TicTacToe Project.

With Leiningen, building a Clojure project to a .jar is also pretty easy, it's just one command. But since I've recently switched to Deps, the Leiningen ways don't work. The Deps way didn't turn out to be that bad, though. There are just a few steps.

To build to a .jar with Deps, I need a build.clj file which defines how to build the project. A sample can be found here It uses the tools.build library to customize the build. With a completed build.clj file, all that is left is to add an alias to deps.edn to point to that build file like so:

{:build {:deps {io.github.clojure/tools.build {:git/tag "TAG" :git/sha "SHA"}}
         :ns-default build}}