
Converting to Deps


Thus far, I've been using Leiningen for all of my Clojure projects, but I recently had to change that due to a new story requirement. With my finished Java HTTP server, I need to convert that to a .jar and import it into my Clojure TicTacToe program to make a TicTacToe web server application. The problem is, Leiningen doesn't have a way to import local jar files. So I had to convert my project to deps.

Deps is Clojure's default project structure and dependency manager. It also happens to make it very easy to import local jar files. To convert my project to deps, I needed to place Leiningen's project.clj with Clojure's deps.edn. The deps.edn file has a different structure to project.clj, but the conversions are relatively one-to-one.

With my new dep.edn file working, I can now reload my project as a Clojure Deps project and everything (including Intellij) is working.