
Server Threading


The final feature of my HTTP Server that I needed to implement is a ping resource. Whenever the ping resource is requested, the server will wait one second before responding with the current time. If many ping requests are sent in quick succession, they should all take exact one second to respond. The idea being that it creates a simple way to test if the server supports multi-threading.

Up until this point, I had only tested my server responding to single requests. In fact, the way I had it set up was that it would simply respond to the first request it got and then quit. So I needed to make the server respond to multiple requests in its lifetime while also supporting multi-threading.

These two requirements were pretty similar because to even test if my server can respond to multiple requests, I would have to run the server in a separate thread. The only hiccup I encountered when implementing multi-threading was that I accidentally forgot to also make the test multithreaded, so my tests ran in sequence which made it seem like my server was not supporting threading. Eventually I got everything working and had a finished product to show at IPM.