
TicTacToe File Persistence


One task for my TicTacToe project is to implement file persistence. This will store a game in a file so that it can be completed later. For now, no fancy database engine will be used. We will simply use text. Clojure comes with a read-string function which will make this a lot less painful than it could be. To start, I will outline the 4 functions needed to implement this file persistence. These functions are initialize, fetch-all-games, update-game [date board game-mode], and delete-game [date]. initialize will simply create the file if it is not already created. fetch-all-games will return a list of every game stored in the database. update-game will change the state of a game or create a new game if it doesn't exist already. And finally, delete-game will delete a game. This storage of these games is based on the date in which they are started. In other words, the unique identifier for the games is the date. This system allows for easy implementation of file persistence and even allows for further extension.