
A Discrete Cantor Set


A couple of months ago, I participated in the IUPUI Highschool Mathematics Contest which was an experience that I really enjoyed. The theme was fractals, and contestants had two and a half months to solve 4 problems and write an essay on the theme.

Problem 3, the problem that I found the most interesting, defines a function, f: N -> N (which just means f maps nonnegative integers to nonnegative integers) with the following recursive properties:

The problem then asks for the sum of f(n) over all integers 0 <= n <= 10^23.

Here is a table of some small values for f(n):


I won't spoil the beautiful answer, but I will say that my strategy for solving this problem was to look at patterns in the sum of f(n) up to 3^k and then use another pattern to make that useful for finding the sum up to 10^23

The real beauty is in the question, though. This is because the simple recursive definition of f is strongly linked to a popular fractal (probably could've guessed that by the theme of the contest), known as the Cantor Set. The Cantor Set relates to the set of real numbers on the interval [0,1] and is constructed by recursively removing the middle third of the interval(s). This problem can essentially be thought of as a discrete version of this Cantor Set since it is only defined for the natural numbers.